Renewal for one year of the residency “Homo Photosyntheticus” of E.Chardronnet and M. Minder at the Antre Peaux, Bourges, by the program “Art and sustainable development: the cultural actors commit themselves” of the Region Centre-Val-de-Loire.

E.Chardronnet and M. Minder in interview with Cléo Verstrepen in Point Contemporain.

Installation Green Open Food Evolution at the exhibition “More than living” of the festival Open Source Body at the Cité internationale des arts.

E.Chardronnet and M. Minder invited to the study day Cinemas and Sciences at the Jeu de Paume Museum.

E.Chardronnet and M. Minder guest artists for “Nouvelles visions du vivant”, second season of the PALM magazine of the Jeu de Paume Museum.

Roscosmoe and Homo Photosyntheticus are part of the More-Than-Planet program (2022-2025) co-funded by the European Union.

Shooting in Japan by E. Chardronnet and M. Minder, C. Fong and T. Oyama

avec le soutien de ProHelvetia, ART2M, D.D.A. Contemporary Art, metaPhorest biological / biomedia art platform et BioClub Tokyo.

E.Chardronnet and M. Minder selected with the project ” Homo Photosyntheticus ” for a one year residency ” Art and sustainable development : cultural actors commit themselves ” of the Région Centre-Val-de-Loire at the Antre Peaux, Bourges.

Interviews at ESTEC Noordwiijk

Discussions at ESTEC Noordwiijk for behavioral studies of S. roscoffensis in a gravity centrifuge to observe the behavior of S. roscoffensis at high gravities, and in a weightlessness tower, a test facility to simulate weightlessness through free fall, which achieves microgravity levels – as low as 0.000001 G – in collaboration with the Space Lab at Waag Future Lab.