Milestones Timeline

New iteration of Roscoffensis I/O
Miha Godec in residency in Roscoff to work on the new iteration of Roscoffensis I/O and on the preparation of a Godec / Roscosmoe showcase planed for November 2024 in Ljubljana as part of More-Than-Planet program.
Roscosmoe and Homo Photosyntheticus at « Bio Awaking »
Ewen Chardronnet & Maya Minder present Roscosmoe and Homo Photosyntheticus at « Bio Awaking », Novi-Sad, Serbia.
Performance « Slippery Grounds »
Performance « Slippery Grounds » by Maya Minder and Homo Photosyntheticus Melissa’s films at the launch event of Amazonies Spatiales collective book, organised by at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris.
Roscosmoe and Homo Photosyntheticus at « En Vert et Contre Tout » symposium
Ewen Chardronnet & Maya Minder present Roscosmoe and Homo Photosyntheticus at « En Vert et Contre Tout » symposium at the Générateur ij Gentilly (Grand Paris).
Xavier Bailly’s workshop on the Roscoff worm the day before at the Ecole Polytechnique.

Roscosmoe joins the online initiative Ocean-Archive.Org of the TBA21 – Academy
Roscosmoe opens the Homo Photosyntheticus collection and the More-Than-Planet: Ocean-Space-Ocean symposium archives. The TBA21 – Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary foundation is based in Madrid, working in association with the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, and has other important poles of action in Venice (Italy) and Portland (Jamaica). TBA21–Academy is the foundation’s research arm, fostering a deeper relationship with the Ocean and other bodies of water by working as an incubator for collaborative inquiry, artistic production, and environmental advocacy. Among its main projects are the art center Ocean Space (Venice), the independent study program Organismo | Art in Applied Critical Ecologies (Madrid, Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza), Alligator Head Foundation (Port Antonio, Jamaica), The Current Pacific/ Mediterranean/Caribbean, the online initiative with OCEAN / UNI, and Bauhaus of the Sea Sails.
Miha Godec presents Roscoff I/O
Miha Godec presents Roscoff I/O at the group exhibition « Co-Existence » of the City Gallery of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Workshop Homo Photosyntheticus @ Funlab
Funlab invites artist-researchers Ewen Chardronnet and Maya Minder.
This year, in long-term residency at L’Antre-Peaux in Bourges, they propose an investigation into algae and cyanobacteria, exploring their role in the food and ecological transition.
Wednesday 05.07.2023
2pm-4pm: Visit and tasting at Paysan Bleu spirulina farm
4pm-5pm: Visit to Mame and Funlab
5pm-6pm: Meeting with artists, La FUN and the Val de Loire Mission
6pm-7pm: Screening of the documentary film “Umi No Oya / Uto Monogatari” by Ewen Chardronnet and Maya Minder
7-8pm: Seaweed tasting and Japanese cuisine with Kulila
Thursday 06.07.2023
2pm-5pm: Open Biomaterials workshop
(led by Elisa Chaveneau and Julie Vérin)
Workshop Homo Photosyntheticus @ Antre-Peaux
Algae and cyanobacteria play a major role in the balance of the biosphere. Through their project, Ewen and Maya wish to focus on the fears and dangers they convey, but also on the transformations that need to be implemented in order to shift this fear towards a more positive perception of this verdant world.
The workshop will involve meetings and discussions with the artists about global warming and algal blooms, observation of algae collected in the city’s waterways, an introduction to spirulina cultivation, and the collection of recipes and tastings to help us understand these transitions in a creative, sensitive and gustatory way.
Second ArtLabo Retreat on the island of Batz in the framework of the Rewilding Cultures programme
Discussion with Nicolas Gaume, CEO of Space Cargo Unlimited
Ewen Chardronnet presents the Roscosmoe space mission in discussion with Nicolas Gaume, CEO of Space Cargo Unlimited & Space Biology Unlimited, at Louvre Lens Vallée.

Green Open Food Evolution by Maya Minder nominated for the Swiss Art Awards 2023

Symposium More-Than-Planet: the Ocean-Space-Ocean edition, in the framework of ISEA 2023 – Symbiosis, 16 – 17 May 2023, Délégation Wallonie Bruxelles, Paris

Launch of “MICUL MICUL”, web creation by Maya Minder for the Vitality.Swiss – on the road to Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai, programme of the Swiss Embassy in Japan. Workshops in Osaka Foodlab and University of Creativity Tokyo.
Ewen Chardronnet, Maya Minder, Quentin Aurat, Cherise Fong, Toru Oyama, Elisa Chaveneau filming in Kumamoto, Japan, for the documentary “Umi No Oya” in the framework of the More-Than-Planet programme.
Ewen Chardronnet and Quentin Aurat filming at Okoyama University and Ushimado Marine Institute to follow the research of Dr. Xavier Bailly of the Roscoff Biological Station (CNRS – Sorbonne Universités) in the framework of the More-Than-Planet Creative Europe programme and the Horizon 2020 HESPRI programme.
Filming at Okoyama University and Ushimado Marine Institute
Ewen Chardronnet and Quentin Aurat filming at Okoyama University and Ushimado Marine Institute to follow the research of Dr. Xavier Bailly of the Roscoff Biological Station (CNRS – Sorbonne Universités) in the framework of the More-Than-Planet Creative Europe programme and the Horizon 2020 HESPRI programme.

Presentation of the film “Umi No Oya” by Ewen Chardronnet and Maya Minder at the Soil Assembly, Kochi Biennale, India.
Installation Green Open Food Evolution, knowledge base Homo Photosyntheticus and short documentaries Umi No Oya and aPrayer: encounter with Hideo Iwasaki presented at Rencontres Mondes Multiples, Antre Peaux, Bourges.
Renewal for one year of the residency “Homo Photosyntheticus” of E.Chardronnet and M. Minder at the Antre Peaux, Bourges, by the program “Art and sustainable development: the cultural actors commit themselves” of the Region Centre-Val-de-Loire.
E.Chardronnet and M. Minder in interview with Cléo Verstrepen in Point Contemporain.
Installation Green Open Food Evolution at the exhibition “More than living” of the festival Open Source Body at the Cité internationale des arts.
E.Chardronnet and M. Minder invited to the study day Cinemas and Sciences at the Jeu de Paume Museum.
Publication of “Space Without Rockets”
At the occasion of the 73rd International Astronautical Congress in Paris, Ewen Chardronnet & Rob La Frenais release Space Without Rockets (UV éditions), a collective book exploring the environmental impact of rockets industry and alternatives to get there.
E.Chardronnet and M. Minder guest artists for “Nouvelles visions du vivant”, second season of the PALM magazine of the Jeu de Paume Museum.
Roscosmoe and Homo Photosyntheticus are part of the More-Than-Planet program (2022-2025) co-funded by the European Union.
Roscosmoe and Homo Photosyntheticus are part of the More-Than-Planet program (2022-2025) co-funded by the European Union
Shooting in Japan by E. Chardronnet and M. Minder, C. Fong and T. Oyama
avec le soutien de ProHelvetia, ART2M, D.D.A. Contemporary Art, metaPhorest biological / biomedia art platform et BioClub Tokyo.
Beginning of the residency “Homo Photosyntheticus” at the Antre Peaux in Bourges
E.Chardronnet and M. Minder selected with the project ” Homo Photosyntheticus ” for a one year residency ” Art and sustainable development : cultural actors commit themselves ” of the Région Centre-Val-de-Loire at the Antre Peaux, Bourges.
Interviews at ESTEC Noordwiijk
Discussions at ESTEC Noordwiijk for behavioral studies of S. roscoffensis in a gravity centrifuge to observe the behavior of S. roscoffensis at high gravities, and in a weightlessness tower, a test facility to simulate weightlessness through free fall, which achieves microgravity levels – as low as 0.000001 G – in collaboration with the Space Lab at Waag Future Lab.
E.Chardronnet, S. Bülher and M. Minder visit the MELiSSA project of the European Space Agency in Barcelona and Noordwijk (Nl).
E. Chardronnet and S. Bühler interview the artistic collective Quimera Rosa
E. Chardronnet and M. Minder present the documentary film “Symbiotic Earth: How Lynn Margulis Rocked the Boat and Started a Scientific Revolution” by John Feldman at Ursulab, Antre Peaux, Bourges.
Ewen Chardronnet meets in Ljubljana the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts with Dragan Zivadinov of the Delak Institute (PostGravityArt) about the development of the scientific mission of the UMBOT::MG project
E. Chardronnet and M. Minder presenting Roscosmoe and Green Open Food Evolution at “gREen”, an art & science symposium coordinated by Jens Hauser, Muffatwerk, Munich
E. Chardronnet and M. Minder presenting Roscosmoe and Green Open Food Evolution at Open Source Body symposium, Makery medialab, Cité Internationale des Arts
Maya Minder & Sandra Bühler in residency in Roscoff
Maya Minder get selected by Art Explora residencies at Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, to collaborate with Roscosmoe from March to August 2021
project Green Open Food Evolution
Roscosmoe at Médiathèque de Meyrargues (13, Fr)
6-26 Oct. 2020
Roscosmoe at “Il n’y a plus de saisons”, Mains d’œuvres, Saint-Ouen, Fr
25 Sept. – 25 Oct. 2020

Roscosmoe at ArtLabo Retreat
ArtLabo Retreat, Makery / Feral Labs Network, Île de Batz, 16-24 August 2020

Presentation @ CNAM (Paris)
J-P Blanchard presenting Roscosmoe and Open Clinostat 3D at Forum Fédération / Open Space Makers, CNAM, Paris, 4-5 October, 2019
Exhibition @ Amsterdam
Supre:organism, Amsterdam, Sep-Oct 2019

Presentation @ LASER (Paris)
E. Chardronnet & X. Bailly presenting Roscosmoe at LASER, Leonardo/Olats, Paris, 26 September 2019
Bio:Cosmism @ Stars City
Bio:cosmism, satellite deployment protocols, Star City, 11-17 July 2019

Presentation @ Gelatina Festival (Madrid)
E. Chardronnet presenting Roscosmoe at Gelatina festival, Casa Encendida, Madrid, 16 May 2019
Presentation @ HEAD (Geneva)
E. Chardronnet presenting Roscosmoe at Spacecrafts and Alien Physics in Orbit, HEAD, Genève, 28 Jan. 2019

Exhibition @ Science Gallery Dublin
Roscosmoe at Life at the Edges exhibition, Science Gallery Dublin, Jun. – Sep. 2018

Presentation @ SpaceUp (Toulouse)
Ewen Chardronnet presenting Roscosmoe at SpaceUp / Open Space Makers conference (with CNES), Toulouse, 23 June 2018
ArtLabo Residency
ArtLabo Roscosmoe artist residency at Xavier Bailly’s lab (Modèles Marins Multicellulaires, M3), Station Biologique de Roscoff (CNRS-UPMC), apr. 2018

Presentation @ Carasso Fondation
Roscosmoe presentation at Nous ne sommes pas le nombre que nous croyons être, Carasso Fondation, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, Jan. 2018

Roscosmoe project gets its name
Roscosmoe art&science&space project gets its name, Dec. 2017

Paper: “Becoming Autotroph”
“Becoming Autotroph”, Ewen Chardronnet, in Let’s Talk about the Weather, Art and Ecology in a Time of Crisis, Sursock Museum, 2016
ArtLabo Residency
ArtLabo artist residency at Xavier Bailly’s lab (Modèles Marins Multicellulaires, M3), Station Biologique de Roscoff (CNRS-UPMC), Apr. 2016

Conference @ Musée de l’Homme
X. Bailly and E. Chardronnet at BlackMarket conference at Musée de l’Homme, Dec. 2015, Paris – COP21 parallel event

Article: “Understanding climate change with Roscoff worms”
Article in : “Understanding climate change with Roscoff worms” (FR/EN)

Conference @ Lieu Unique (Nantes)
X. Bailly introducing S. Roscoffensis at ArtLabo conference, Lieu Unique, Nantes, Apr. 2015

Art project: Humalga
Humalga: Towards the human spore, Spela Petric & Robertina Sebjanic, 2012